CRank: 4Score: 28560

yea i just got into the project spark beta, and it is quite fun. this might be a trend setter.

3795d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

ive told my friends this and i will post it hear as well. the xbox one is a good system not a great system, and maybe not something you should run out to get right now at this very second. i rated it at a 7.5 at launch and thats where it will stay until the one year anniversary. (for me)the system is fast and kinect is alright a little glitchy as in sometimes you have to repeat yourself, and remembering all the phrasings are a little annoying, but i believe iit will get better. that is a good...

3834d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

i wouldnt call what i feel impressed. its a pretty good system that needs work. the ui feels empty, and shallow.the three games i got will hold me over till the destiny and titanfall drop. i see a lot of potential with the system. i do look forward to when i get the ps4 when i get my taxes back by then i'll have a new tv and infamous second son will be out. (hopefully)

3834d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

so it cant play from the usb stick. well can you copy and paste the music?

3846d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

this article is wrong. it says the Xbox one cannot play mp3's. Microsoft has stated it can.

3850d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

also everyone has a phone or a pc that can play music, but what about people who want it playing during the game? why do i have to use another device to play my music while im using one that should be able too?

3865d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

no mp3 playback?
how is that not a sign of rushing. if the xbox one was rushed which i will agree it was, how the heck can it play movies and mp3's no problem? the main issue is the codecs for games that are giving developers problems. both systems have issues and will have issues. this is a launch of a new generation both consoles will have highs and lows and even a case of the sharts now and then.

3865d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

this really should be here day one.there are only a handful of games id actually care about the actual ingame music. id rather listen to my own track while i play a racing game, or a fighting game. or an fps if im playing free for all.there are also times where i want to have some music playing while i clean up my area, and would like to leave my system on so i can occasionally check on whats going on. this was a mistake on sonys part.

3865d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problem with trying to add mortal combat like fighting system into ryse is that you would get something like devil may cry. or you could even compare it to dynasty warriors. in order to make a next gen game you either have to make a new genre and not be afraid of being unpopular, or make drastic changes to a formula people love. look at the hate pokemon X and Y received for trying new things. they are great games and they did some great improvements.

3867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

true brand loyalty is ridiculous when it comes to gaming in general. why say no to any games? i have played wii games playstation 1-3 games psp ps vita, gameboy ds and 3ds. xbox, 360, wii u and the ancient games from atari. i have played on every game system that has been released. i will not limit my self to just one console or one handheld. if it plays games, i can afford it and the games it plays i like i will get it.

3867d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i will agree with you on that either way im looking forward to this gen coming up.

3867d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am thinking dice did a mediocre job. given time constraints and changes in software this is a launch title.if these things don't improve by next year with what ever game they release it then it will show how far they can go with the Xbox one. either way this year its the Xbox one for me then i will get the Ps4 when infamous second son comes out i hope there is a bundle.

3867d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i hope they do that for the next mass effect.

3893d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

couldn't they use it for face mapping in the game?

3893d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can not stop fanboys or trolls. especially on the internet. gaming has created a great hobby has made wonderful experiences, and created the third most annoying person on earth right next to religious extremists

3909d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i was going to do both but i didn't really see any game i wanted to get on the ps4 at launch don't really like killzone. either way i cant wait to get this gen started.

3909d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

reason why im getting both. xbox one at launch Ps4 when i get my taxes, by that infamous will be out :)

3909d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

Its not really the "xbots" as you put it, its some gamers in general that dont want more indie games then actual full out games. like i said more indie games arent a bad thing could have great cross play between the vita and the ps4.

3937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not a big deal, its just that finding a worthwhile indie game is at times hard. yea they are cheap, but i would rather have another form of infamous,or skyrim or heck how about a fusion of mass effect, skyrim and infamous with a mix of borderlands for cooperative gameplay. i cant see an indie dev doing that. when i hear indie dev i think binding of issac and minecraft, or braid. those games are great time killers but i want something fuller and richer with actual characters, and character...

3937d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

yea i never preorder on steam. generally i preorder at gamestop due to the fact its around the corner from my house and the only other store that does games is walmart.

3958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment